Welcome to Painted Rock!


welcome to Painted Rock
Who am I and
what am I up to?

I have power tools
and I love to use them

Sharing experiences
on my "island"

When a mower is
not just a mower

What inspires me
connecting with others
when a mower is not just a mower


sustainability survey

Q1: Where would you place yourself on this spectrum?

  • I don't accept that there are problems with the environment/climate/amount of resources
  • I'm not sure if there are problems with the environment/climate/amount of resources because the information presented to me is conflicing or confusing
  • I understand there are problems with the environment/climate/amount of resources but those issues are smaller than others we face today
  • I have spent some time getting to know the details of problems the environment/climate/amount of resources but don't think anything I do will help
  • I have spent some time getting to know the details of problems the environment/climate/amount of resources but I'm too busy to incorporate changes in my lifestyle
  • I have spent some time getting to know the details of problems the environment/climate/amount of resources and have made a few changes in my lifestyle to help
  • I feel pretty informed about the problems with the environment/climate/amount of resources and make intentional efforts to reduce my impact with my purchases and use of resources
  • I have even participated in group efforts or organizations in attempt to have an impact on a larger scale

Q2: Please rate your level of concern for these environmental concerns for the following:

  • Drinking water
  • Air quality
  • Motor vehicle pollution
  • Industrial pollution
  • Food quality
  • Dependence on non-renewable resources
  • Contamination of soil with toxic waste
  • Pollution of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs
  • Loss of natural habitat for wildlife
  • Loss of tropical rain forests
  • The "greenhouse effect" or global warming
  • Extinction of plant and animal species
  • Urban sprawl and loss of open spaces

Q3: Have environmental concerns changed your behavior in the areas listed here:

  • Drinking tap water
  • Preparing/Eating fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Preparing/Eating fresh meat and poultry
  • Buying more locally
  • Purchasing an automobile
  • Driving an automobile
  • Using public transportation
  • Your home location
  • Use of electronic devices/appliances
  • Use of heating/cooling
  • Amount of lights turned on
  • Use of pesticides/fertilizers around your home/garden
  • Recycling (any)
  • Vacation or travel plans

Q4: Do you recycle:

  • plastics
  • bags
  • aluminum
  • other metals
  • glass
  • paper
  • yard waste (compost)
  • kitchen organic waste (compost)
  • electronics
  • appliances
  • furniture
  • books
  • clothing
  • vehicles (includes salvage, trade-in, donation,...)

Q5: How many miles do drive per year?

  • less than 10,000
  • 10,000-15,000
  • 15,000-20,000
  • 20,000-25,000
  • 25,000-30,000
  • more than 30,000

Q6: Does your vehicle:

  • use gasoline
  • use gasoline & electric (hybrid)
  • use diesel fuel
  • use ethanol 85%+
  • use hydrogen fuel
  • use biofuel
  • run on human power (bicycle or walking)

Q7: What percentage of your travel involves carpooling (traveling with more than yourself in the vehicle):

  • 0%-5%
  • 5%-10%
  • 10%-20%
  • 30%-50%
  • 50%-75%
  • 75% or more

Q8: How much of your food do you buy in bulk?

  • 0%-5%
  • 5%-10%
  • 10%-20%
  • 30%-50%
  • 50%-75%
  • 75% or more

Q9: When using tools for the following...
(answer options: Have all of my own, Share/borrow, Hire the work out,)

  • mowing
  • home landscape/garden
  • carpentry/building/repairs
  • plumbing-new/repairs
  • automotive maintenance
  • housekeeping
  • appliances (maintain/repair)

Q10: At what temperature is your heater thermostat usually set in winter?

  • 68 degrees or lower
  • 69 degrees or higher
  • don't have a heater thermostat

Q11: Is your heater thermostat turned down or off at night when people go to bed?

  • Yes / No

Q12: At what temperature is your air conditioner thermostat set in summer?

  • 78 degrees or higher
  • 77 degrees or lower
  • don't have an air conditioner thermostat

Q13: Is your water heater temperature set at 130 degrees or lower or at the conservation, medium, or low settings?

  • Yes / No

Q14: To clean your car do you

  • wash your own car sometimes
  • wash your own car most of the time
  • take your car to a carwash
  • not bother washing your car

Q15: Do you turn the water off when brushing your teeth?

  • Yes / No

Q16: Have you ever disposed of waste material (gasoline, oil, paint, kerosene, stain, tires, appliances, furniture, any toxic waste) in a storm drain/creek/river or non-regulated landfill area?

  • Yes / No

Q17: Have you ever disposed of waste material (gasoline, oil, paint, kerosene, stain, tires, appliances, furniture, any toxic waste) in a storm drain/creek/river or non-regulated landfill area?

  • Yes / No

Q18: What do you think the most important thing anyone can do to protect the environment?

  • reduce
  • recycle
  • patronize/support those who produce environmental-friendly
  • plant trees
  • write elected representatives
  • raise money for causes
  • be informed and take action within your means
  • there's nothing needed to be done

Q19: Please rate your level of agreement:
(answer options: strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, disagree)

  • I would pay more for products whose packaging or processing does less damage to the environment
  • Despite the potential negative economic impact, more restrictions on industry are needed to stop pollution in our air, water, ground, and food.
  • I would be willing to pay a nominal charge when shopping at a store/attending events if it contributed to reducing the carbon footprint of the store/event.
  • Resource shortages impacts social issues (i.e., disparity of income, wars, poverty)
  • I don't think any change is necessary because there is nothing to be worried about
  • If given a choice I go for products/services that are more eco-friendly

starting a conversation

My MFA thesis began as an exploration of my concerns about consumerism, its ecological and social impacts, and the role I play as a graphic designer in an industry that encourages it. In it I discuss my observations about the disconnect from Nature and its impact on consumerist behavior.

As I approached the final semester, I wanted to spend more time getting to know my audience (which would be my community of friends, colleagues, neighbors, and family) and their perspectives on sustainable living.

I created a survey and distributed it through SurveyMonkey.com asking for participation to collect data related to how people relate to issues of sustainability and what, if any, steps they take to reduce their environmental impact.
It’s clear from the survey data I collected that my community has varying levels of concern or understanding of current environmental and resource depletion issues. It appears that multiple modes of communication would be needed, and my next step was to investigate what that might mean.

The first question of the survey asked members of my ‘community’ to rank themselves within different levels of concern and sustainability engagement. From this I was able to create four designs that attempted to speak to all of them. They each employ Aristotle’s three modes of persuasion, logos, ethos, and pathos.
- Logos = appealing to one’s sense of the logical
- Ethos = supplying credible testimony
- Pathos = making emotional connections

Using some of the data gleaned from the survey I posted, I designed these infographic posters. This is straight forward logos in its appeal to the audience. Some people, like myself, can be motivated by just information. In this case, there might be a little pressure to ‘fit in’ with the majority and from this data, the majority shares concerns on all the subjects.

Sustainability survey posters

Since I am emotionally attached to the subject it made sense that my next attempt would embrace Pathos and connect with those who are also emotionally sensitive to these environmental and consumption issues...or they might also be considered a smack upside the head. Depending on the viewer’s perspective.

i-we-they =  the same

I call these two “I-We-They”
This is clearly me ranting, but notice the soft colors. I chose them to symbolize a soft voice. A voice that wants to scream but can’t for fear of rejection for caring about something outside of popular culture. So, I try to tug at the viewer emotionally with these heartbreaking images (while I’m screaming,...softly). And I wonder if there are others who feel the same and find their own voice in these posters.

The Tree and Corn posters are meant to appeal to those who might be more connected to Nature than they think or to those who work the land and understand the hazards of corporatizing the growing of our food, or to those who enjoy the benefits of being outdoors in the shade of a tree that hosts birds and other wildlife. Maybe they already know Rachel Carson or Aldo Leopold and these quotes add credence. Maybe they are moved by the imagery and quotes to then look these people up. These posters combine Ethos (the credible spokespeople) and Pathos (the emotional connection to the subject).

environmentalist quotes

  • Rachel Carson was a marine biologist and conservationist credited with leading the charge and achieving the ban on DDT in the 60s.
  • Aldo Leopold was influential in modern environmental ethics, biodiversity, and wildlife management. His quote felt appropriate for the changes taking place in my ‘neighborhood.’

One thing is for sure, we’re consuming too much stuff and we can’t continue to dispose of it so quickly. What we make does not go away. There is no such thing as away. We live in a closed-loop system. Something can be extracted...it can’t always be put back...it can be combined with other elements...that really complicates things. Some things just never go away.

This floor piece uses Logos and Pathos and is a collection of objects that never go away. Much of it is useful and can have a long life of purpose. Some can be repurposed. Others just sit there and go nowhere. There are a few letterforms here that were donated by friends who volunteered to find them in their own space. They’re the images on boxes. Some of the other letterforms are remnants from the burning of the “I Am Not My Stuff” collaborative sculpture. They’re a testimant to the reality that “some stuff just never goes away.”

some stuff just never goes away

The inquiries of audience reception continue with these designs. Through another survey, I’m asking folks to respond to these posters and floor sculpture, and then ask them to place themselves on the scale of environmental concern using the same structure as the top infographic poster. Later, I’ll compare the data between the visual message feedback and the environmental ranking to see the correlation.

You can participate by going to the survey:

QR link to Typeform survey

starting a conversation
begins with a box of thoughts...

Powertools with purpose
With a new mission and a means
to do it, I tackle some projects...

Poeple I've met
There are those who've traveled
a similar path and have a lot to share...

connecting with others
A designer needs to understand their audience.

In order to to this, I created a survey and polled my community for friends, colleagues, and family. Through a series of questions I got a bette idea of where many folks position themselves regarding environmental concerns and degree of engagement in sustainbility efforts.

read more

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